Samstag, 27.07.2024 06:21 Uhr

Sanremo Festival 2023: 73rd edition.

Verantwortlicher Autor: Maurizio Monge Torino, 04.12.2022, 14:07 Uhr
Presse-Ressort von: Kunst, Kultur und Musik Bericht 9540x gelesen
Ariston Theatre, Sanremo
Ariston Theatre, Sanremo  Bild: Maurizio Monge

Torino [ENA] After a spasmodic wait, at 1.30 pm, at 1.30 pm, punctual as always, the artistic director of Sanremo 2023, Amadeus, officially announced the names of the "big" singers in the competition from 7 to 11 February at the Ariston Theater in the well-known Ligurian town.

Amadeus, in his third consecutive Sanremo, will be joined, in the management, by two well-known names: Gianni Morandi, who will be with him on stage for all the evenings, after having personally conducted the 2011 and 2012 editions and Chiara Ferragni, very popular super influencer, at her first appearance in the Sanremo kermesse, who will appear only, in the role of prima donna, in the first evening and in the final one.

No news, yet, of the guests: certainly the Artistic Director has confirmed that he does not intend to invite Italian guests who have not completed at least 70 years: these will be given the right honors for their artistic careers. The younger ones…to go to Sanremo they would have had to present themselves as competitors. As for the foreign presence, rumors are circulating about what has always been Amadeus's dream: to bring the princess of Pop Stars, Britney Spears, to the Ariston.

These are the names of the 22 big names in the race, to which will be added the top 6 winners of the evening of "Sanremo Giovani" on 6 December next. Giorgia, Articolo 31, Elodie, Colapesce e Dimartino, Ariete, Modà, Mara Sattei, Leo Gassman, I Cugini di Campagna, Marco Mengoni, Mr Rain, Anna Oxa, Lazza, Tananai, Paola e Chiara, Lda, Gianluca Grignani, Coma Cose, Levante, Ultimo, Madame, Rosa Chemical.

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