Samstag, 27.07.2024 09:29 Uhr

Missblumare:the coolest italian beauty contest is underway

Verantwortlicher Autor: Maurizio Monge Genova, 15.05.2023, 11:54 Uhr
Presse-Ressort von: Kunst, Kultur und Musik Bericht 7298x gelesen
The national staff and the models
The national staff and the models  Bild: Maurizio Monge

Genova [ENA] Last week, the Road Show to present the 2023 season of the Italian national beauty contest "Missblumare" took place on board the MSC Magnifica. Three intense days, which began on Tuesday 9 May in Genoa and continued on Wednesday in Civitavecchia to finish in Livorno on Thursday.

The organizational staff of the Competition illustrated the characteristics of the competition in the year 2023 to the Press and to the numerous national sponsors. Confirmed the participation of Angela Melillo, soubrette and actress of great fame, as godmother and presenter of the Finale. The other guests of the event are still top secret. The cruise of the Finale Nazionale will take place on MSC FANTASIA, from October 25th to November 1st with embarkation in Genoa.

The CEO of MISSBLUMARE, Stefano Novello, after having given the floor to the Patron, Guido Maculan, illustrated the stages of the final: the embarkation of the 60 finalists, staff and accompanying persons will be on October 25 in Genoa. The trip includes stops in Marseille, Valencia, Barcelona, Genoa again, 5 Terre and will end in Naples on November 1st. There will always be 4 technical tests to which the 60 misses from each Italian region will undergo in order to allow the jury on board to choose the winner who will replace Romina Covino with the crown and scepter of Missblumare 2023!

President Maculan, after expressing his immense satisfaction with the results obtained by the competition in these 15 years of life, highlighted the ever-increasing number of entries and the great interest that MISSBLUMARE arouses every year, a competition that makes seriousness, correctness and "cleanliness" are its peculiar characteristics. At the end of the press conference, the 4 first-placed misses in the last final, accompanied by a representative of the Abruzzo Region, paraded in splendid dresses and costumes provided by the contest's sponsors, attracting enthusiasm from the audience attending the event.

President Maculan, after expressing his immense satisfaction with the results obtained by the competition in these 15 years of life, highlighted the ever-increasing number of entries and the great interest that MISSBLUMARE arouses every year, a competition that makes seriousness, correctness and "cleanliness" are its peculiar characteristics. At the end of the press conference, the 4 first-placed misses in the last final, accompanied by a representative of the Abruzzo Region, paraded in splendid dresses and costumes provided by the contest's sponsors, attracting enthusiasm from the audience attending the event.

The appointment is therefore for a season full of evenings throughout Italy, from squares to shopping centers to historic locations and seaside resorts, to then find the 60 beautiful representatives of the regions on board MSC Fantasia.

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